Welcome to Day 1,108.
Today is a heavy day for site news, so let's begin.
First up, part 3 of The Sword Of Irony has been added to the Tats What's Up! calendar.
The span tracker within the parenthesis of the Nogchives has updated.
In more While & After news, the Steve Believes page has been re-activated, as Steve Kaycee's blog entry about the 2021 NBA Finals has posted to that page. And since the Steve Believes page is a subpage of While & After, it has also been re-indexed on the Sub Access page.
For the second consecutive day, the Twitter Tuesday page has updated. For more information, please go to that page.
In news pertaining to the Subsidiaries page, a votes by numbers feature has been added to the Art Infliction II Logo poll, as we want to figure out what it will take to get to 100 total votes to determine what will be the eventual logo.
In Inflindication news, the archived version of Steve Believes: Super Bowl 55 has been restructured with a cleaner looking page presentation via each and every paragraph in that entry getting better indentation.
And finally, a series of updates have happened for Land Of Infusion. To see what they are, simply view the bullet points below:
- F The Prom has clinched the 1,296th fully guaranteed Two Thous-Ton spot
- Lena And Snowball, Fired Up!, State Fair and Baby, Baby, Baby have all moved from Tier 5 to Tier 4
- A Mighty Wind, Frankie & Johnny and Run, Fatboy, Run have all moved from Tier 4 to Tier 6
- Following its re-assessment, Laws Of Attraction was re-acquired by the Movie-Ocrity/Dishonorable Mention page
- Following their assessments, The Bag Man and Cymbeline have both been placed on the Wonka In Reverse page
- Following its second re-assessment, Perfect Body has been placed in Tier 10
- Belle & Sebastian - The Adventure Continues has moved up to Tier 5. And because of that, Disconnect has been placed in Section Four of The Tentative Roster page
Well, that's all for now.
Thank you and until next time, you have tuned into The Nog.